Sunday, 28 October 2007

Course Evaluation

How well is the course organised? 2
Well organised and structured, learning something new everyday

How interesting is the content that is covered? 1
Very interesting, I feel I learn something new everyday that applies to everyday life and allows me to know why certain things are the way they are!

How useful are the handouts? 1
Very useful, all information possible is covered on it and therefore it is easy to apply it to other things within the media

Have the lessons been well-paced? 2
Yes, they come at good times

What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge? 1
Very high, I feel due to the teaching I can attain a very high grade

How well has the course met your expectations? 1
A very good course and has alot to offer

Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve., Trips) 1
They help make the subject much more enjoyable and therefore gives it a more unique feel

Has the Macguffin Blog been useful? 1
Yes but i dont use it much

Self Evaluation

Attainment 3
Average performance so far but need to improve alot

Effort 3
My effort in class has been upto a good standard but i believe i need to work alot harder at home

Punctuality 2
Ive been to every lesson and on time, but recently due to illness i have not been to a few lessons

Submission and quality of homework 2
Most of my homeworks have been done and upto a high standard

Ability to work independently 2
I feel i can be left alone and trusted to work as i feel alot of dedication towards this subject and am personally starting to enjoy it much more.

Quality of writing ?
Have not yet had a real chance to submit a written piece

Organisation of Media folder 1
Everything is there and filed together.

Oral contributions in class 1
I am a very willing contributor in class and I feel I usually have something productive to say

Standard of Module 5 blog 3
Need to dedicate more time outside of lesson

Standard of Module 6 blog 5
Am not yet getting the full grasp of this and need to work much harder on this