Sunday, 28 October 2007

Course Evaluation

How well is the course organised? 2
Well organised and structured, learning something new everyday

How interesting is the content that is covered? 1
Very interesting, I feel I learn something new everyday that applies to everyday life and allows me to know why certain things are the way they are!

How useful are the handouts? 1
Very useful, all information possible is covered on it and therefore it is easy to apply it to other things within the media

Have the lessons been well-paced? 2
Yes, they come at good times

What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge? 1
Very high, I feel due to the teaching I can attain a very high grade

How well has the course met your expectations? 1
A very good course and has alot to offer

Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve., Trips) 1
They help make the subject much more enjoyable and therefore gives it a more unique feel

Has the Macguffin Blog been useful? 1
Yes but i dont use it much


Chintan said...
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Chintan said...

sfe Athar,
be my blog buddy,
Although our texts are different, our topics relate in that we are both covering the aspect of genre. From there we can share information and knowledge e.g. theorist